That's my new favorite name for the Ultimate Creator of all this. Infinite Mind. Perhaps we're in the Hologram Game, the Hologame, to give the Infinite Mind something to do. And something to feel. After all, the mind responds to emotions but it doesn't generate them. Emotions are generated by hormones that respond, mix and kick in based on experiences and beliefs. The mind uses emotions to make up stories about what just happened, what it felt like and what should happen next. It also makes up how the present story ties in with past events and those emotional responses.
So in effect, we're just little virtual hormone secreters, built to generate emotions to give Infinite Mind something to make up stories about. And thinking, acting and responding is our part in the Big Story Machine.
It's all very malleable --- like Play Dough! And we're all Gumby characters, bending and shaping to whatever actions are indicated by the Big Story Machine. The trick would be to finally know this and accept it fully, and maybe that's how we can become participants instead of clay puppets in this amazing story.
So the Infinite Mind takes virtual pen in hand and creates this vast story and all the elements and characters. It invents scenarios that the characters interact about and with, perpetually generating emotional responses like passion, anger, fear and love, which then helps the Infinite Mind to create more story. The Never Ending Story!
I've heard it said that beliefs are thoughts that have been repeated and become thought habits. Each one of us characters have unique sets of beliefs and when we interact with each other, these beliefs rub up against each other and create that hormonal response called emotions. Without emotions, there would be no story --- no need for further action --- no meaning to assign or talk about or think about.
Thought --> Belief --> Emotion = The Story
(mind) ---> (habit) ---> (action)
Take away the beliefs and there is no emotion and the whole thing collapses.
There's a failsafe built in by Infinite Mind --- it loves stories and so do we! We think, therefore we believe we exist. I think, therefore I believe I AM. Because thoughts become habits (beliefs) and generate emotions, there's no way out unless we stop thinking, which is not possible because that's what Infinite Mind does. It thinks and we think because it thinks and we think because it thinks and we are One. Without thoughts, there is NOTHING. As long as we're thinking, we're participating in The Story.
Now about this Free Will thing that everyone wants to believe in so badly... Looking at all this logically, free will can't exist and here's why: We are born into this Hologame as babies, we don't pop in as ready-made adults. Babies are simply perpetual motion machines, activated by touch, and the belief programing begins within seconds of the first breath. From 0 to age 3, we take in whatever is offered in our environment and use that to learn how to function. Babies who are not touched, cuddled, talked to and nurtured are known to suffer from a syndrome called "failure to thrive", so we join the Hologame needing this programing in order to continue in The Story.
Based on this idea, it's easy to see that there is no such thing as an authentic, individual, unique thought. How could there be when everything is being picked up from others from the very beginning? And all the great things we learn throughout The Story come by way of books, schooling and interactions with others as our acquired beliefs bump up against the acquired beliefs of others and cause emotional responses that we act on and process.
Yep, as far as I can tell, we're Holographic Perpetual Motion Hormone Secretion Gumby Units and we're perfectly suited for The Big Story.
And yet, everyone thinks, but what are we thinking about? How many characters in The Story are writing about, talking about and thinking about these sorts of things? I suspect a small fraction, comparatively. So what happens when a character becomes conscious of The Story and begins to think bigger thoughts? Is it possible to drop all beliefs and think big enough thoughts to lift us out of the Illusion completely --- even if just for a quick glimpse?
Are thoughts the underpinnings of reality --- The Big Story? Please add your comments, ideas or opinions, I'd love to read what you have to say!
Randy Sandknop
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