It was 33 degrees and the snow was wet and heavy. And very slippery! I drove slowly for the 5 blocks to the more heavily driven street thinking the road would be more clear, but when I turned onto that street it was no better and there was plenty of traffic. Uh oh, I thought, how did I get myself into this mess? And how badly do I need groceries anyway?
I was only going about 20 miles per hour and doing fine, until the light I was approaching turned yellow. I tapped the brakes and got nothing but slide. Tapped again, more slide. I thought, no way am I going to slide into that intersection into oncoming traffic! And here's where the miracle happened.
Without thinking, I checked that no one was in the lane next to me and I turned the wheel hard left for a few feet and then back hard right. A curb or pole was preferable and I wasn't going into that intersection! That little maneuver bought me time to right myself and stop without incident.
It amazes me what can be done in 5 seconds or less! I'm not a stunt driver and I've never heard this tactic described for stopping a slide in snow. All I can say is, intention counts!
I am so blessed and grateful~
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