10:36am Villas del Sol #6 68°
I know, I declared my love for Hotel Perico in my last post and I meant it at the time. And then the rains came and that presented several issues. 1) It got really humid in the unit, especially in the screen room that I used as a living room and office. I was worried about my computers and printer sitting in the humidity, I was pretty sure it wasn't good for them. 2) There was a square skylight in the bedroom and the booming thunder and pounding rain were magnified in that spot like a drum.It was hard to sleep through. Those were the two biggest issues and after that, all the smaller issues got bigger and soon I was wishing for a move.
I found a place quite by accident. I kept seeing a sign, Condo for Rent, in front of a place in Ajijic, just west of town, right next to the Casa del Waffle, and finally one day I impulsively turned in and decided to check it out. Well! As I drove through the arched and gated entrance, I felt like I was driving onto Maui! The driveway was smooth and there was a gorgeous if aging pool area on the left with a view of the mountains behind. Palm trees. Very tropical looking. All very clean and neat. I parked my car and walked up the drive looking for someone to help me and along comes a Mexican man who spoke pretty good English and he grabbed the key and took me to see the place that was available.
He showed me a little house with one bedroom, furnished comfortably, and explained that the rent of $700 included everything except electric. I told him I had a cat and he was fine with that. Then I asked if any other units were available and he pointed to one behind a little bit, up off the driveway, and said that one would be available soon, the woman was moving out over the weekend. I thanked him and went back to Hotel Perico to think it over. I made a list of pros and cons the next morning and even though it was a close call, the benefits to moving outweighed the affordability of staying put. In addition to everything else, I can walk to places from here. I can walk clear to the lake from here, if I want to.Also, if I want to sign a year's lease, the rent goes down to $620 mo. I can afford that.
So on July 14, a Friday, I began packing up to move and by the end of that day, I had almost everything moved to the new place. Rocky and I spent the first night here that night and he went to the far side of the bed and wouldn't look at me. He was mad! I guess I should have told him we were moving. Next time I will.
I went back the next day, Saturday, just to pack the remainder and take a shower and eat breakfast. Then Sunday I spent the day unpacking and organizing and by the end of the day I was all set. I love that I can completely move from start to finish in three days! I continue to tweak the organization here but I'm comfortable and this is a good place. I've been going to the pool and getting to know the neighbors. Time will tell if I feel like staying here longer then my short lease to the end of October. There's another neighborhood I like but this complex has a lot to offer and I feel safe and cared for here. If I needed help, I would get it right away.
So that's where I am so far in this Mexico journey. Rocky is doing fine. I take him out in his cage with me on Mondays while the housekeeper is here. Last week we went down to the restaurant at the end of Colon right on the Malecon and that was good. Yesterday we went to Cafe Negro and somehow his cage fell off the chair I had him on and landed on its top down a few stairs. Holy Cow! I imagined the cage door popping open and Rocky dashing out and into traffic and my heart almost stopped. But he was fine, none the worse for wear. I ordered a new cage, one with wheels, it will arrive next week. In the meantime, a gal on FB gave me a rolling cage that can also be a backpack. It was dirty but free, so I cleaned it up and I took Rocky to the pool for a visit with the neighbors for a while. He did just fine. I think he likes to go and see new things. I think he's getting bored around here, nothing to do and no friends to lay around with.
Right now, he's sitting behind me on the back of the couch looking out the window. We got up late --- I read too long last night and didn't get the light off until after 1am. But what the hell, it's my life and I'm free and clear to do whatever I want to do! So far in my Mexico adventure, I haven't done anything productive but I have calmed down and settled in pretty well. Except for the bombs (Mexican fireworks) that go off at random times and for festivals I know nothing about, this is an ideal place and I'm not at all sure I could do better.
OK, that's it for today. I actually started this post a few days ago and then walked away. I still have lots to do for my other blog but am finding it easy to do nothing around here. Or very little. Today I have to wash my hair right after breakfast and then there's a party this evening before Karaoke. Tomorrow I start a water aerobics class and Thursday is Writing to a Prompt at 10am. Friday is the writers group meeting at 10am and I have to pick up my Residente Temporal card at INM before 1pm. So I have a full life here with plenty to do and yet plenty of time relax and read and rest. I'm not thinking very much these days, which might be just what I needed.
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