Thursday, April 21, 2016

Reunion Bio

10:32am                            Writing Practice                        56°  Boise

Yesterday I did writing practice on the Rocky Pestorini story and it was fun. I would do that again today except I have to write my bio for the reunion booklet. Yesterday was 3 months until reunion and I really wish I could get into it. This is a volatile election year with strong opinions on both sides of a clearly drawn line --- part of me wishes we had considered the election year when we set the date. For me, it will be good practice in rising above and I'll encourage everyone else to do the same. There are so many wonderful things to talk about besides politics, after all. For most everyone, that is.

Yesterday I got on Craig's List and checked out Carson City as a possible option for a move. It's a terrific location, high desert, near mountains. Population of under 60,000, pretty good weather most of the year and plenty of affordable housing. I found several mobile homes for sale that I could buy outright and pay just the space rent. I also found a share rental in the country on a half acre where I could have a horse if I wanted. Or a goat! I read it over twice and sent an e-mail to the owner, an older dad, he described himself. I assume he's around mid-40s. He has a teen daughter who stays a few times a week. Now I ask, does this sound ideal or what?! I could have a semblance of family without having to sleep with anyone. I'm waiting to hear back before I start planning my trip over to check it out.

I also found out what to do about getting rid of my PMI insurance. Then I could put $112 a mo toward my mortgage instead of down the drain. Or I could save it to buy a new car in the fall. Actually, I could lease a car, a Chevy, for about $125 mo. I'll check that out on Monday. A 27 month lease. That would take care of any vehicle issues I'm having right now, I'll bet. And I'd get a brand new car.

And one last update --- the same guy who advised me about the PMI business also told me that when the equity in my house is at 50%, he can do a reverse mortgage and I won't have to make a house payment ever again, only taxes and insurance at under $200 a month. So if I stay put and keep working on it, my home situation will be secure into my old age even after John dies. I don't have to pay off my house to get the benefit of no mortgage payment.  That could be as close as ten years from now! Or maybe even less. When John dies, my income will go down considerably, probably to around $2000 a month or less. (And that's if the Social Security system is still in place. If it's not, there will be a whole lot of old people sitting on the streets. Many millions of us. It would be ugly, so I'll not project that out into the future.) When it's time for assisted living, I'll have someone move in here and assist me. This could truly be my last address. I could actually live here for the rest of my life. How weird is that idea?! I could watch Stephen's tree grow big and tall and I wouldn't mind that a bit.

But what about my idea to buy an RV and travel after the cats are gone? I have to be able to get up and go when I want, I really hate sitting here day in and day out with no trips planned. It's like I'm sitting here waiting to die. And in a way, I am. But I may as well do something while I wait.

So anyway --- my bio.

It's only been 5 years since the last reunion and yet things have changed so much for me. I wonder if it's our ages, if now is the time of life when so many of our loved ones depart the scene for whatever reason. Both of my parents are now gone, along with all the other relatives who went before them. One of my brothers died of cancer last year and the other brother is still fighting his cancer. While sad, certainly, these losses can be rationalized as a part of life. But I lost one of my children in 2013 to suicide. That loss still haunts me and probably always will.

On a lighter note, my health is terrific and it looks like I'll be around for another 30 years. I've lived in the same house for over 8 years; that's a record by far and there's no packing boxes in sight. My other son, Nathan, is preparing to retire from the Air Force next year and will go back to school for a master's degree in art to fulfill his lifelong dream. I have no grandchildren and there will be none if the current plan doesn't change.

Just before the last reunion, I bought my first digital camera and have since upgraded and taken my photography seriously. I retired from working for others last year and have been enjoying my freedom. I write daily and have outlined at least 8 books, non-fiction and memoir, enough to keep me busy for the rest of my life. All in all, I'm all set for the golden phase. My hair is white and thinning but I'm strong and active, go to the gym, ride my bike, hike, travel and have no complaints. I've got good eyesight, great hearing and I still have my own teeth. I really do feel blessed and grateful and I hope the same for you.

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