Sunday, July 31, 2016

Self-Empowered Health ... the beginning

9:40am                                Writing Practice                          69°  Boise

Gorgeous day. Been awake since 6am and up since 7:30. The white load is in the dryer, the ocean is on the TV, the cats are out playing and I've already spent 45 minutes on Facebook. But it's OK because I wrote a post about colloidal silver and I consider that time well spent, since I'll be writing a chapter on it in my book. Yes, my BOOK! I woke up with an idea last week and I've been working on it ever since. The working title is

Self-Empowered Health: A Memoir of Sorts* 
*Instructions included

I already have the basics sketched out and I wrote the prologue on Friday. I keep getting ideas and memories to include in the book somewhere. I see this as a memoir and also a self-help book. When I look at my life and all I've been through and then take time to appreciate my great health in spite of it all, it begins to make sense that I've created my healthy life with all the little things I do and have done over the years. 

Also, I found this in my On This Day timeline: (I wrote this)

Here's my Little Bit Plan for Healthy Living:
*Eat healthy a little bit
*Exercise a little bit
*Have a positive attitude a little bit
*Love all your people a little bit
It doesn't take much, our bodies are so very forgiving 
that even a little bit of care will make a big difference over time.

I have the information and syllabus from my Healing Sampler Class, all of that can and will be used for this book. As far as structure goes, I think I'll use Part One as the memoir. I can set up the information that will come in Part Two. I've read books and memoirs that include recipes and those always interest me. This will be a memoir with easy-to-follow instructions and simple-to-do exercises and techniques. I've got:

Move More, Eat Less
The Family Motto: If a little is good, a lot must be wonderful!
And more to be listed when I remember them ....

And I've got stories! Lots and lots of stories! Oh my yes, I've got plenty of material for a book and then workshops and coaching programs! And the whole point will be what I have been saying all along: "I teach self-empowerment tools so that each person I work with can become their own personal health coach." When you take responsibility for your own health and well-being, you pick up the reins of your life and begin to trust the direction of your healthcare. 

In many ways, I've been working toward this project for years. The emotional response and excitement I felt when I first heard about Quantum-Touch, when I heard Richard Gordon speak about healing, gives me a clue as to what my heart really wanted. Yes, it's been diminished somewhat over the years as I became disillusioned with Richard Gordon and when I became aware that others were not eager to let me help them heal, especially my own family. The heartbreak of losing my mother, my son and then my brother has really knocked hell out of me. And the truth is, I'm tired of offering to help people and having them ignore me or blow me off. I've come to understand a basic truth here: you can't make people get well, you can only offer to help and then back off. Pain and illness is a messenger and until each one is ready to hear the message and take action, there's really not much that someone like me can do except love them. The medical model we have right now is perfect for the majority of sick people who want to be "fixed" without digging any deeper into the core and causes of illness. What I want to do is tell my stories and offer hope, point a direction and continue on my own path to trusting my intuition. Because that's really what it's all about --- listening to the inner self and trusting the truth of what is heard and then being willing to take the action necessary to get on a more healthy path.

Here's the link to the article about Colloidal Silver:

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