Thursday, July 28, 2016


10:10am                             Writing Practice                           75°  Boise

Hot already today but there's a nice breeze blowing and it's really quite perfect out there. In here, in my little house, the temperature is just right after having had all the windows open all night. Now it's closed up and the A/C won't kick on until afternoon. My last electric bill was only $40 so I'm doing a good job of managing my cool around here.

Yesterday I woke up with any idea for a memoir/self-help book called Self-Empowered Health. Richard Gordon has a workshop he teaches called Self Created Health but I don't really know what that is, except that when he was working on the first ideas for that workshop, he called me and went over the whole thing. It sounded too vague, I didn't really get a sense of what he wanted to do except he intended to pull together all of his favorite modalities and teach them in one workshop. Lazarus was mentioned, as was EFT. I had already been using EFT with the QT techniques to relieve the emotional overcharge of the client and had found it very effective. It sounded like Rickard was going to take that idea of mine and combine all sorts of techniques and claim them all under the umbrella of Quantun-Touch and Self Created Health. So you know what? I'm going to do the same thing! I've already created and taught a healing sampler class and have the syllabus and outline.

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