Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Back again

9:38am                             Writing Practice                           63°  Boise

I wrote in my journal all last week, when I wrote at all. It's been hit or miss with the writing around here lately, I'm just not into it. I'm working on the back yard, the deck is reduced to a 12x12 with a new redwood top and there will be flagstone and gravel patios on either side with flower boxes next to the house. Or I could have Richard Fabian, my handyman, build benches on either side next to the house. I just got a visual, just popped into my head, how benches could be prettier, more useful and maybe less work. I could set pots of flowers on the benches if I wanted to. Or other fun stuff. Or nothing at all! I'll think about that later today, maybe do some drawings. Good idea!

OK, I got through the July 4th festivities in find shape yesterday. I even got an unsolicited text from Nathan. I wonder if he knows how badly he crushed me last year on the 4th? Anyway, I put my bike on the bike rack and drove to pick up Pam and her bike and we spent two hours tootling around the Greenbelt downtown. I plan to do it again, maybe ride out to Discovery Park with our picnic soon. It's nice to have a girlfriend who is available and willing to go do stuff! I'm sure she feels the same about me. Then I came home to relax with my cats a while and then drove out to Star for Deb Shaw's birthday. Instead of the usual crowd, it was just Mike and Deb for a while and then Matt and his family showed up. That's it, just us ...


Just finished breakfast. I got waylaid by a phone call and what a treat! Lynne Winkler called to tell me they are buying a home and moving to Boise area. Holy Cow! I'm glad she called, she was looking at Caldwell and I got her off that one. Eagle is where they need to be, they would love it there. So now all they have to do is find one, buy it, pack up two households and move here. HA! Like that's ever going to happen!

Anyway, it's a delightfully cool day and I'm sure I have things so do while I can stand the outdoors. Right now, the temp is 71° with a light breeze. What a fabulous day! I'm off a here.

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