Monday, June 6, 2016

Stephen poems ---

A town of flakes that kiss and move on
(but never on time)
The gossips gossip their Golden grains ---
The wheat of BOREDOM. It grows & grows
and is never reaped and contrary to the norm ---
it doesn't grow skyward in a vertical manner
but sideways, small, to the ground
a web-like pattern, sprawling


Be you always at your side
For this long and lonely ride
I'm dying a slow death called life
You can't get laid in this town
Without fucking your ex's ex
Or your ex's ex's ex
Reach inside and grab a hold of
SOMETHING to pull myself out
Nothing there
but any expired heart
crunchy lungs
and a little bit of fear
Even this romance is stunted
though nice and casual
Everything else feels like hell
I did it to myself
But at least I'm not a victim
Unless one can be a victim of their own

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