Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Channeled Message, cleansing and clearing

10:22am                          Writing Practice                            40°  Boise

I sat down here a half hour ago but allowed myself to go to FB first and I wasted all that time. It's another rainy day in the high desert and we're getting sick of it, the cats and me. Milo is running around flicking his tail and Rocky is disciplining him. They hardly got to go out yesterday and now today is a bust so far, too. Oh dang, I forgot to clean the litter box! Rats! brb. OK, all clean. They hate a dirty litter box. Maybe now they will calm down.

Today is shower and hair wash day and then I have my tax appointment at 3:30 this afternoon. I'm almost ready but not quite. I have about another half hour of final adding and preparing the page with the numbers to give to Mark Mosher when I get there. He's been doing my taxes for five or six years now and I only see him once a year. It's always a surprise to me how comfortable I am with him, how it feels like I know him better than I do. He must be extremely personable, that's all I can say. I'm trepidatious about the outcome of this meeting and what it will mean for my little nest egg. I have about $3700 saved up since I started getting my Soc Sec last June and I'll have a little more next week. I don't want to turn around and give it all to taxes!   I figure about $1500 or less will have to go to them and that will leave me with $2200 and more next week. It will be a set back but recoverable in time to buy a car when I need one. I sure hope I don't have to send more than that! I trust Mark to fix me up, he always has in the past.

I started a new blog yesterday with the intention of blogging my way into a book, The Art of Kindness. Seems that the political atmosphere of the country has taken a serious turn for the worse and now more than ever we need to pull out all the tricks to keep ourselves feeling OK. However, I was sitting here a minute ago thinking about the outcome of the coming elections and for the first time ever thinking that I should find another country to move to. Canada is too cold and may close its borders to the US and Mexico too hot. No wonder this is the land of plenty --- as Goldilocks would say, this country is just right. Surely some little town in Mexico near the ocean would work for me. But I have two income sources that may go away and then I'd be penniless in a foreign country. Sheesh! This must be the prevailing attitudes today and I can really feel it. But running away won't help. Whatever is going to go down will effect the whole world. Neither Hillary or Trump will be a good choice and there I will be again, having to choose between two evils. I just won't do it! I've never done it before and I can't start now. If Bernie isn't the guy, I'll stay home and write books about how to survive. I've known all along that the strings of the world were being pulled by an unseen few and that we would never know what goes on behind the scenes. As this election year plays out, we'll see what happens but I refuse to give in to despair about it at any point.

This is a time of cleansing and clearing and all the buried emotions that have created our world so far are being revealed to be inspected, reviewed and discarded. This is a process that must be done, must be endured in order to get to the other side. Just like a tumor hiding deep inside, it must be revealed and acknowledged before it can be healed. And like any other healing journey, attitude is everything! Do what needs to be done to keep the energy high, stay hopeful and talk to others with kindness even when they are harsh. The stress of the day is increasing to an almost unbearable degree, people will snap and break when they get scared and mean, they become hard and unbending. Find a way to remind yourself that this is not who we really are, it's simply a response to stress. Underneath it all, we are all human and all want the same things --- to feel safe and secure, loved and supported, heard and understood. Find ways to be kind.

OK, I'll work on the kindness memoir. I'll go over there now and create the first post. Wherever that paragraph above came from ... thank you. Please keep reminding me that we can do this, we can all do this if we can maintain a good attitude in the face of all this stress and worry for the future. Like Bernie says, we can do it if we stick together and don't let fear divide us.

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