Friday, March 11, 2016

The Business of Healing Classes and Book Ideas

9am                           Writing Practice                          50°  Boise

Up at just the right time today. Waking at 8am, doing stretch and breathe with the ball under my neck for 20 minutes and then my morning washing up seems to be the ideal schedule ... not too early, not too late. I didn't do my washing up this morning though, it's shower day. I'll hop in the shower in a bit and get my hair all clean and pretty for the next five days.

Tomorrow is the EFT class and there's a part of me wondering what the hell I'm doing. I'm going to find out tomorrow if I really want to teach classes like that, two hour workshops on a wide range of subjects. Let's see, I have:

     1) EFT Happy Tapping
     2) PPT Pressure Point Technique
     3) Introduction to Energy Healing
     4) Mirror Mirror Workshop for Practicing Self-Love
     5) Money is No Object; discovering what you really want and
             getting it without winning the lottery
     6) Healing Tools: micro-techniques for turning the tide on ill health
     7) Laugh and Heal: the laugh-anyway method for the humor impaired
     8) Wake Up Happy: 12 minutes of health training first thing each morning

And then I have the The Ultimate Health and Healing Sampler Class with three or four sections --- an immersion experience in healing. I could also teach a total energy healing workshop using the techniques and principles of Quantum-Touch. (Life Force: the energy of healing)

And in addition to all that, I could hold practice sessions and healing circles.

Well, I don't know where all that came from this morning, I wasn't even thinking any of that when I sat down here. Looking at all that right now, I realize that each on of those could be an eBook to go with a live class or stand alone. Wow, I use all of those practices and have used them or developed them for my own personal health and healing over the past 12 years. When you lay it all out like that, it all looks pretty impressive!

This is not just a weekend workshop idea, this is an outline for a total healing business plan --- if I wanted to go into the business of healing. This idea would be utilizing everything I know and have worked on, my entire focus for the past 12 years. In addition, a Healing Through Grief workshop and eBook could be developed. And a Practice Happiness book using my photographs like I do with the calendars. I could call it the School of Self-Empowered Health. A place to learn self-care and create your own road to a healthy, happy life --- without a doctor ---

Create a Healthy Life in Spite of Your Doctor:
Release the Chains of the Modern Medical Paradigm 
and Take Responsibility for Your Own Health

Yes, that would be a terrific book to write! I could go at it from the point of view of my own story with cervical cancer and what I did about it. That title perfectly describes what I did with my life and my health back in 1999 and what I continue to do today. That experience set me up for all that I've learned and experienced since then.

When I woke up this morning none of this was on my mind. In fact, as fun as it is to write all this out, I would have to change my life completely in order to do all that. And I just heard a voice in my head say, no, just do one thing at a time, give it two years to develop, work on some of it each day and before you know it, you'll be a healing professional with a school in Boise with books to publish and sell.

So there! But do I want that life? Because that's what it is, an entire life filled with writing and teaching and healing. Do I want to write my memoir first? I have one started and one could be the basis of the book titled above. But what about Stephen's story? I've been working on his story, his life, trying to understand what happened to him, to me, to us, for over two years and I don't know if I'm even close yet. How can I just abandon all that work now?

Well, I don't have to. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. Today I've been given the gift of insight into what is possible for me, now or later. Or in addition. All it will take is the willingness to do the work on a daily basis and stop distracting myself with Facebook. In fact, I have way more to do than I could get done in one lifetime! I just went to Amazon to look for the title,

The Art of Kindness:
How to be Kind and Stay Soft in a Hard, Cruel World

, and it's not there. In that book, I could use all the kindness stories starting with my Starlet breakdown on Braddock Road in Virginia and being rescued by Hank, the off-duty DC cop who handed me a beer from the cooler in the front seat of his beat-up white pickup truck and told me not to try that in my car, to all the experiential stuff I did for six years and how it all changed my life and my attitude. Even through all my anger and grief the past few years, I've been able to maintain a baseline of kindness through it all. For the most part ....

Well, this has been quite the writing session this morning. My SuperBrain Yoga must be kicking in! I haven't been this prolific with ideas in a while! And all I have to do is keep this page handy as an outline for my future and sit down every day and work on some part of it.

The EFT Happy Tapping class tomorrow is the beginning, if I choose to think of it that way. And now I have to go flesh out that class so that I know what I'm doing. I'll do it on a separate sheet and add it to the Workshop Files.

Good day with writing practice today. Thank you!

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