Thursday, March 10, 2016

EFT workshop, March 12

10:55am                             Writing Practice                         58°  Boise

I'm very late today. I couldn't get to sleep last night, had to take an little extra piece of sleep aid and read for a bit and by the time I turned off the light again it was almost 2am. For all that, I feel pretty good though.

I have students for the EFT workshop in two days. I think I have 9 people coming and I hope I have room for everyone in Midge's little space there on Kootenai. It should work, it's cozy and she has the kitchenette right there. I may make a little money on this one and maybe even find a way to do follow-ups, private coaching at my studio.

Today I have to go to the studio and find all my EFT materials and begin to go over all of it, make sure I have handouts if I have any and prepare the class outline for my teaching aid. I'll also watch a few videos to refresh my memory and make sure I know what I'm talking about. EFT training is the low hanging fruit as far as classes go. I would love to teach one about every six weeks. And it would be terrific to be able to make $500 to $800 every month from teaching and coaching. I could really save up for a car that way.

The last few days I've been quiet and relaxed, willing to sit here on FB without too much thought about anything at all. No memoir writing, no transcribing. I think of scenes that I could write or begin to write or at least add to a list. That's what I ought to do --- make a list of scenes that I'd like to write and have that ready to work on, like having a box of quilt scraps that I can piece together when I get time in the evenings, in front of the TV. But now as I sit here ready to type up the list, my mind is a blank. I often have scenes flash through my mind like a slide show on my laptop. I enjoy those so much! They remind me that I have experienced much and that I have so much to write about and talk about inside me. I need to remember that on days like today.

Really, the only issue with today is that I have to begin to prepare for the workshop and I really won't be in memoir-mode until after that is finished. That's only 48 hours from now, I can afford the time.

OK, I'm off ...

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